Don Mathre is Professor Emeritus at Montana State University. Dr. Mathre is recognized internationally for his creative research on soilborne diseases. He assessed the incidence and severity of dryland root rot of wheat and barley and the take-all disease of wheat in Montana. On the basis of these findings and subsequent disease control studies, he devised biological and chemical control strategies for these diseases. Dr. Mathre has distinguished himself as a cereal smut pathologist. He is recognized throughout the world as an expert on loose smut of barley and dwarf smut (TCK) of wheat.
Dr. Mathre has served APS well in many capacities. He has been a member of the editorial boards of Phytopathology, Plant Disease Reporter, and Plant Disease. He was senior editor of Plant Disease from 1980 to 1983. He served as a member or chair of several standing committees and as councilor-at-large. Dr. Mathre was secretary-treasurer, president, and councilor of the Pacific Division. In 1989, he served as president of APS. He presided over the 81st Annual Meeting in Richmond, VA, where in his presidential address he challenged members of the society to “look at ourselves and to our future.”
Don Mathre has been a guest on 1 episode.
Rising to the Occasion: Moving Up Through the Plant Pathology Industry
June 9th, 2022 | Season 2 | 28 mins 17 secs